EDI Viewer - AC2 Capital Additions

The AC2 Capital Additions tab is used to edit and enter capital additions, disposals, and retirements for a facility cost center.

The 3.4 Total amount will be transferred to part 2 of the AC2 form in area 2.3 when you save.

To add or insert a new Capital Addition, you can do any one of the following:
  • Right-click your mouse to get a popup menu and choose add or insert.
  • Press the shortcut keys, CRTL and A (add) or CTRL and I (insert).
  • Click the edit menu at the top of the screen and then choose add or insert.

To delete a capital addition, click on the row to delete and do any one of the following:

  • Right-click your mouse to get a popup menu and choose delete.
  • Press the shortcut keys, CRTL and D.
  • Click the edit menu at the top of the screen and then choose delete.
Business Rules:
  • When adding a new capital addition, you must use a different description for each line you add to Part 3.1 Additions / Disposals / Retirements..
  • You will not be able to delete a capital addition if you are in read only mode.
  • If this is the First AC2 for an FCC, all Capital Additions should be Start-Up Costs.
To enter an AC2, click on the tab Part 1-2 - AC2. When you change tabs, your data is saved, so in this case, all data on tab AC2 - Parts 1,2 would be saved if it passed validation.  
To enter AC2 CCA Allocations, click on the tab Part 4 - CCA Allocations. When you change tabs, your data is saved, so in this case, all data on tab AC2 - Parts 1,2 would be saved if it passed validation.  
To enter AC2 Custom Processing, click on the tab Part 5 - CPAF Calculation. When you change tabs, your data is saved, so in this case, all data on tab AC2 - Parts 1,2 would be saved if it passed validation.  
To Print an AC2 form, click the Print toolbar button or choose Print from the File menu. It does not matter which tab you are on when you print.